Certified Nurses Aide Training
Spring 2021 Hybrid (Online & In-Person)
Learn nurse aide & caregiving fundamentals to become a skilled entry-level healthcare provider
- Train via a mixture of online lectures and in-person labs/clinicals on campus
- Prepare for the state examination to earn your Nurse Aide Certification
- 100 hours of an internship or work experience is required following the class
Program Dates
CPR/FIRST AID (Zoom & In-Person) Mon, Jan 25, Feb 1, 8
Cultural Orientation (Zoom) Jan 26, 28, 29, May 18
Lectures & Labs (Zoom & In-Person) Feb 2-May 21, M, T, Th, F
up to 12 hours per week during the day
Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate
Must be ages 18+ and have a high school diploma or equivalent.
This non-credit certificate is 7 months long.
Course requires ALL of the following courses (courses cannot be taken individually):
SUS6140: Napili – Cultural Orientation
February 2, 3, & 4 at 3:30-6 pm, online
A reflection driven course with hopes to empower Native Hawaiians healers to implicate indigenous ideas, values, symbols, aesthetics, procedures, etc. into their own organizations and places of work.
FIT6710: Weight Training
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9-10:30 am, May 18 – August 5, at UH Maui Fit gym Learn proper lifting mechanics, conditioning, and benefits of weight training.
HLTH6621: CPR, AED & First Aid
Dates, times, and location to be announced. Learn how to provide emergency action measures for life- threatening scenarios.conditioning
FIT6300/6305: ACE Certified Personal Trainer Intro & Exam Prep
Mondays at 5-7 pm from January 25 – August 23, online
Includes 2 hours per week of online instruction with a UHMC program coach to supplement 11 hours per week of independent online study for an industry- recognized Personal Trainer Certification by the American Council of Exercise (ACE). Learn the role/scope of personal trainers, ACE Integrated Fitness Training ® Model, a client-centered approach to personal training, evidence-based exercise fundamentals, fitness assessments and programming design, modifications for clients with special considerations, and professional, legal, and business guidelines.
IT6310: Martial Arts
Tu & Thu 3:30-5 pm, February 9 – April 29
Class is on UH Maui College’s Great Lawn Participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of martial arts for personal wellness and fitness, while observing and learning how to apply effective personal training and group fitness instructional techniques.
To apply or find out more info, contact Leilani Kepler at lkepler@hawaii.edu or leave a message at (808) 984-3725.
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